Division for Environment, Health and Safety / THE UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO
早稲田大学大学院人間科学研究科 修士課程修了 修士(人間科学)
名古屋大学大学院人間情報学研究科 博士後期課程 単位取得退学
He is Research Associate in Division for Environment, Health and Safety, The University of Tokyo. He graduated from Waseda University and
completed the doctoral course at grad. school of Human informatics (now Informatics), Nagoya University.
Keywords in his research are perceptual skills, risk perception, categorization of risk, perceptual redundancy, publicity of perception, human-environment system, risk communication etc.
He has been conducted field research of perceptual skills and action analysis of the experts. He has also involved in constructing database for assessing human health effects of environmental chemicals.