University of Tokyo
Vietnam Agency for radiation and nuclear safety (VARANS)
Activity in University of Tokyo
Participate in the MEXT Nuclear Researchers
Exchange Program 2016
◆Research Theme:
Regulatory science research on radiation safety and protection, focus on:
– regulatory science
– radiation management
– discharge control
◆ Period: September 12th, 2016 to February 24th, 2017
Main subject in research activity
・Study on Japanese legal documents, regulatory requirements relating radiation safety management for NPP facilities
・Study on Japanese limits of radioactive discharge into the environment from NPP in Japan (dose limits, radiation concentration limits in the environment, regulations on environmental monitoring of NPP, assess the impact on the environment for NPP)
・Study on methods for radiation measurement and dosimetry used in NPP in Japan, calculation method applying for estimating discharge radionuclides from NPP into environment (codes, quantities. dose results..)
・Study on the management of the waste materials for NPP facilities
Traveling, music (country song, love song), movies (comedy and romatic)