東京大学 ライフサイエンス研究倫理支援室
Office for Life Science Research Ethics and Safety, The University of Tokyo
Research map: https://researchmap.jp/hiromi_koike
東京大学大学院新領域創成科学研究科環境システム学専攻 修士課程修了(環境学)
東京大学大学院新領域創成科学研究科環境システム学専攻 博士後期課程満期単位取得退学
比較的放射能が高いNORMに関する実例を用いて、それを取り扱う際の被ばく状況・防護対策の考え方の整理やこれまでの標準的な放射能測定方法をNORMへ適用した際の不確かさ要因とその程度の評価を行うことで、NORMの「実務的」な適切な取り扱いと防護体系の構築に力を入れている。今年度から東京大学ライフサイエンス研究倫理支援室 特任助教に着任し倫理の観点から安全について修行中。
She graduated from The University of Tokyo and is now a project assistant professor in office for Life Science Research Ethics and Safety, the University of Tokyo.
Main keywords in her research are “Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material: NORM” and “Radiation protection” etc. She is a member of Japan Health Physics Society. In Bachelor student, she passed the examination of first class (senior) radiation protection supervisor and obtained medical radiation technologist. She is focusing on evaluating and improving the handling and protection systems for NORM, especially those with relatively high radioactivity. From this year, she was appointed as a Project Assistant Professor at Office of Life Science Research Ethics and Safety at the University of Tokyo, where she is currently training in safety from an ethical perspective.