CNNC Beijing Research Institute of Uranium Geology
Education history Work experience
Beijing Normal University Sep.2011 – Jun.2014
Master in Groundwater Science and Engineering
Research orientation: Groundwater numerical simulation and environmental health risk assessment
CNNC Beijing Research Institute of Uranium Geology Jul.2014 – Present
Subject: Environmental assessment and risk management on radiation and non-radiation
Xiao Ma, Md. Mahamudul Hasan, Yu Igarashi, Takeshi Iimoto;Parameter Research and International Strategy Comparison on Radioactive Waste Management;高エネルギー加速器研究機構「環境放射能研究会」;ポスター;2018年3月13日(火)~ 3月15日(木)
Interested Research Topics
(1) Environmental assessment and protection on radiation;
(2) Risk assessment and management of the polluted field.
Hobbies·Interests etc.
Basketball, reading, traveling